Hi, I’m Ed Anderson, a 62 year old retired guy. I worked as a clinical psychologist but I retired from that about 5 years back. I’ve been married and divorced, and had a number of relationships, but I’ve been single now for about 15 years. Along the way, I’ve learned a lot about the single life – its advantages, pitfalls, and challenges. I have always enjoyed writing, so I figured I could put some of my thoughts down, and maybe some people would find it interesting or helpful. I was sure that others would find it objectionable and offensive, but what the hell.
I’ve got no interest in monetizing the blog. This is just a fun hobby for me.
If you’d like to contact me, just send an email to ed anderson 8 at comcast dot net, with the spaces removed, “@” in place of “at” and “.” in place of “dot.” (I wrote it this way, because otherwise I get too much spam). Thanks.